Eastern Sound Collective Organisation / Collective / Group


NameEastern Sound Collective
Decades Active2020s


Established in 2020, Eastern Sound Collective is a network of Asian musicians based in Pōneke Wellington. It aims to build stronger connections between musicians of Asian heritage in the city, develop better cultural representation within the country’s music industry, and create a space for members to share their industry knowledge and support each other's work.

The collective committee currently includes ten musicians across many different genres and is always open to new members. In the past, they have put on regular events that featured artists of Asian heritage from the collective and wider community.

In 2022 they launched the podcast Eastern Sounds Stories, which won the NZ On Air Outstanding Music Journalism award at the Taite Music Prize in 2023. The podcast was produced by the collective with the support of Radio.Active.FM.

In 2024 their intention is to move away from projects of their own to focus on collaborating to support the work of the musicians within the collective.


Key works / presentations


Mega Monster Season Finale
Meow, Pōneke
Dec 16, 2022

Wāhine Asians Are Here Tour
Meow, Pōneke
Nov 18,2022

Porridge Watson, Whanganui
Nov 19, 2022

Basement Theatre, Tāmaki Makaurau
Nov 26, 2022

Happy Two & Admiral Albatross
Moon, Pōneke
Oct 28, 2022

Amol - Jeline + WK Bookclub - Slep
Meow, Pōneke
Sep 16, 2022

Idhayam & Sodalight
Meow, Pōneke
Jul 15, 2022

ESC In Session
Meow, Pōneke
Nov 13, 2021

Eastern Sound Collective
Meow, Pōneke
May 30, 2021


2022 — Eastern Sound Stories

Key awards

2023 — Taite Music Prize: NZ On Air Outstanding Music Journalism award (Eastern Sound Stories)

Related entries

Last updated: 3 March 2024 Suggest an Edit

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A group of people holding a banner featuring the Eastern Sound Collective logo

Eastern Sound Collective

Orange yin-yang where the central circles are records surrounded by a petal formation

Eastern Sound Collective logo

Courtesy of Nadia Freeman